Safety Data Sheet (SDS) System Optimization Review


Are you using your safety data sheet authoring system to its full potential?


Benefits of an SDS system optimization review
Regulatory compliance presents a constantly evolving challenge. Your safety data sheet software system is continuously changing to meet new regulatory and business demands. But when was the last time you took a step back to see if you are still working optimally as you have adjusted and adapted to new requirements?

When you engage Chemical Safety Consulting for a system optimization review, your company will benefit from:

  • Improved efficiency to free your internal resources to manage other important issues
  • Assurance that your system takes advantage of updates and new functionality available since the system was implemented or last reviewed
  • An expert assessment of system output to ensure that the software is working as intended

Chemical Safety Consulting will represent you and work closely with your software provider’s support team, asking the right questions to make sure you are getting the most out of the system you use to author safety data sheets.

A system optimization review will save time and can help to protect your company’s reputation by ensuring your system is up-to-date and running properly.


What Constitutes an SDS System Optimization Review?

  • Initial meeting: a meeting will be scheduled to discuss the scope of the system, the current process, and any “pain points” the team is experiencing.
  • System review: Based on the initial meeting, a proposal will be agreed to selectively evaluate the system set-up, automation processes, SDS template formatting, regulatory data use, and key phrase translations in the SDS authoring system. This review will identify whether the system is meeting your goals for your hazard communication program.
  • Recommendations: A follow-up meeting will be held to deliver a report of recommendations arising from the review process

Contact Chemical Safety Consulting today to arrange a System Optimization Review for your automated SDS authoring process. 


© Christine Lepisto, 2018